Review 2018 and Preview 2019
In December 2018, Data Assessment Solutions GmbH turned 10 years old. Since our foundation we have grown continuously and so our tenth business year was again the most successful in our company history.
Last year, we gained numerous new customers in our home market and at the same time successfully advanced our internationalization.
Our product decídalo was extended by various new features, such as cross-project capacity optimization and strategic planning.
We have set machine learning as our main heading for 2019. With a highly regarded contribution at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) – the leading international machine learning conference – DAS co-founder Joachim Giesen gave the go-ahead for this in December 2018 and showed that DAS plays in the first technology league.
Machine learning offers enormous potential for skill and resource management and enables completely new approaches for the acquisition and evaluation of existing and required skills. Also, in resource and project management, many time-consuming manual processes can be automated by artificial intelligence.
In addition to the further integration of the methods developed by Joachim Giesen and the DAS research team into our products, we will publish a research section on our website in the coming months and provide insights into the mathematical background.